Friday, December 12, 2008

Some More Decor

A little side table with a couple of glittery trees adopted from Goodwill.

A formal lamp sits on a very unformal metal table.

Easy decorating - vintage ornaments spread on the table top.

My favorite plant stand holding a silver plate bowl of cones.

Our mantle holds another collection of Santas - these made by a Seattle artist, Jan Muth, collected one by one over the years.

Some nutcrackers on top of a family piano. Some years, I feel frisky and cut evergreen pieces to mix in at their bases. No time for frisky this year!

Atop a bookcase in our dining room is this collection of vintage clocks. I left the vignette in place and added ornaments and garlands.

Here's a closer look.

Our upstairs is next. -- Beth


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your home - what a treat! I especially adore the little Christmas trees on the side table.

Beth E-R said...

Thanks Tara and Jill for visiting our blog and leaving such nice comments. It's an early Christmas gift to hear from both of my French friends! Joyeux Noel.

Barbara Jean said...

I love those vintage clocks, and the Christmas decor just fits right in.
Can't wait to see the rest of your blog.

Barbara Jean