Thursday, July 17, 2008

Filling the Freezer

Thursday is chore day at the studio. We deliver our new inventory for that week – treasures we’ve acquired and cleaned, as well as items we’ve repurposed. We tidy up, and try to keep up with sorting the donations we receive. Recently, we received a full truck load of stuff from our friend, Dave. The outer most section of our back patio area is the holding area for the items that can survive the weather. Our wonderful sunshine encouraged us to be especially productive today. But getting distracted is more the norm for me these days. We were making good progress, but I HAD to wander over to this section of swell metal goodies rescued from Lisa’s husband’s family farm in Oregon a long time ago. (My newest theory – the flimsier my footwear, the more compelled I am to walk around rusty, sharp metal things!) Before I knew it, I was finding all these interesting orange, rusty metal garden sculptures. It was time to rearrange stuff in our vintage freezer.

First off – here is Lisa multi-tasking.

Here is the before picture of our freezer, which is a fab outside display piece (lock is long gone).

Fun rusty things mixed among the terra cotta pots and propped up in front.

A close up of a piece we think looks like a cute guy wearing a hat.

This piece looks like a space craft of some sort.

It’s always a great morale booster to get one section spiffed up! -- Beth and Lisa

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